Thursday, December 4, 2008

So much to catch up on...

Well I have so much to catch you all up on it ridiculous! I need about 6 arms and was only born with two, so since I have no time, the blog is starting to suffer! ha. The sad thing is I am starting to think in terms of blogging...'oh, that will be great to tell...or this picture needs to go on the blog', etc. It's sad really. ha. Anyways, we put up our Christmas tree last Sunday with Annabell. It actually took us 2 whole days to finish between taking care of the kids and trying to get us altogether while the kids were awake, but finally it came together. Annabell had a blast helping! The part she liked the most was playing in the tree box. Yes we still have a fake one, we'll probably use a real one starting next year when she can help daddy pick one out. She loved seeing all the decorations too. She has only broke one so far! ha. She got a time out for that one. Speaking of which, time outs are starting to be very effective for Annabell's learning. She's had only 3 so far, and quite spread out too, but they seem to grab her attention well enough for her to think twice before doing whatever she did again. As for the decorating she also liked putting up the little plastic decals on the windows. These have proven a great joy for her this year...she will walk over and take them off to put them back on. Very cute!

Annabell is taking more and more interest in Ford. She lays next to him during his belly time. I was trying to get a picture of how well he holds his head up (which I couldn't get that time) and she came and laid with him and watched him try with a huge grin and encouraging squeals.
The two pictures above in the pretty dress are of Annabell at church last Sunday, it was especially windy and she loved every minute of it. She was running around with a class that was playing outside. I love her eyes. The dress is compliments of G-ma, of course :)...she spoils all her grand kids!

Well Annabell has really taken an interest in starting to communicate more...or I'm just starting to notice more. This morning she said, I love you and 1,2,3! We say 1,2,3 when she is going to jump to us and so on, but this morning she beat me to the punch and yelled 3! and then leaped toward me. So I said, 1,2,3 and she copied me. I love hearing her voice! Also, I said "say I love you" and she said I love you! I was so surprised. Here is some video of her putting money into her piggy bank. we cleaned out our cars and had a ton of change, this kept Annabell busy for a while because one of her favorite things to do is to sort...anything! This gave me an opportunity to explain what each coin is. I don't think she cared though, ha. (in the video you can hear Ford 'talking' a little)

Annabell LOVES shoes. She has been trying to put my shoes on for months now and always brings me shoes to put on her, her brother, Mima, and whom ever else is willing and ready. I caught her putting on one of my shoes and tried to get it on video but only caught a little of it. Also in the picture she is wearing my shoes, though you can barely see it.
We went to the library again today. I checked out 3 books that actually talk about Christ at Christmas, they seem rare to find these days. I hope she will know what Christmas is all about. We have a few things that we are going to start her doing early on to keep her focused of the meaning of the season. Hopefully they will all work. Well tomorrow starts off our Christmas party spree. We have one every weekend until Christmas, and we are hosting two for different reasons. Also with the new year getting closer we are closer to introducing Annabell to a toddler bed and taking away the binki. The binki will be the hardest...they put her right to sleep at night, so I am waiting until the new year to do these two things seeing I will have to probably wake up a lot to comfort her. And since I'm already up so much I'm hoping Ford will be sleeping through the night by then...we'll see. Annabell has also started to tell us when she is going #2. This is a good sign that potty training isn't too far off. I was told about a book, teaching to potty train in one day. I don't know if that is the right title but it's something like that...i need to get it, maybe I'll look for it at the library next week.
Sorry for all the's for those who love to see Annabell in her everyday action. Love y'all!

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