Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Playing outside

Today we were inside most of the day because all of the rain, it rained most of the day from around 11pm until around 3:30pm. So when it finally let up Annabell was ready to get out of the house. We walked around outside and the first thing she did was walk over to her bucket, which was outside during the rain, and lifted it up in excitement over her head. It was full of water, and poured all over her. You can see that her dress is wet in the video and pictures I took. I also tried to get her animal sounds on camera but it was difficult to do since we were outside and she was distracted by playing.

Tomorrow is her 15 month check up. I scheduled it months ago at her last appointment and with out knowing I scheduled my pregnancy check up tomorrow as well, 15 minutes apart. So thankfully Brad is going to take her (she's getting shots :( ... ) and I'll wait for them at my appointment. I've had a lot of braxton hicks but nothing yet...so we'll see.

When Brad came home today from work we were walking at the park so he walked over and met us. Annabell becomes so happy when she sees him. Roxy started running toward Brad and Annabell was also doing her best to run to him. You can see on her face how happy she is when she sees him. Well here are plenty of videos and pictures. Love y'all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

omigosh abby, that's precious, the animal noises. and i love her pony tail curl on the top of her hair. she and noah would get along great, throwing rocks in the water. can't wait for the boy!