Sunday, September 21, 2008


Annabell talking on her phone...

Josh with his daughter Briana with her cute smile!

Annabell at church talking to her friend Gracelyn.

Well we woke today around 9:05am. I can't believe I slept that long. Annabell went to bed late once again because we had a church function, so that could of helped her sleep more. Once up we started our Monday routine. I sat her down and got her milk and we both sat for a minute while waking up. I then text my neighbor and asked if she wanted to go walk. She called me immediately and asked why I text her, because it was Sunday and they were at church! I don't know why I was thinking it was Monday. I was just about to call Brad and ask him how his work day was going! ha. So needless to say, off to the races we went. I rushed getting ready for church (we were about 15 minutes late). I threw Annabell into an adorable dress and then out the door we went. I took her to the nursery where she cried because she hadn't even had breakfast but they were kind enough to feed her. And then into the service I went. Then I found out that I was going on stage last minute because a video we recorded in the week about prayer wasn't working. So disheveled looking we went on stage and talked. Ha. All I could say to the congregation was if I knew I was going up on stage I would of done my hair! ha. Anyways, Annabell inquisitiveness and rapid learning is really blown me away lately. I was watching a small groups kid's on Thursday and as our neighbor came to our house to drop off his daughter and Annabell yelled out "Bekah" as she walked in, which is our neighbor's daughter's name. The dad couldn't believe she said it! It was too cute. She also now signs for "please". She loves to shake her head and mouth the word yes when we ask her if she wants something. She also has started to become independent and clingy at the same time. She has always been independent, she will roam around the church from place to place, or follow the big kids around and start playing with them. But now if she is tired at all and I take her to the nursery or she is with daddy and sees me she will yell out " Mooooooooommmmmmmmmmyyyyyyy!" and start to cry. Which is warming to me but also hard because I want to comfort her but I know it isn't something I want her to develop too much, because I want her to do well with babysitters and Sunday school etc...which she does as soon as I'm gone or if she is NOT tired.

She also has been eating with utensils very well lately. She even is good about carrying around a cup of food or drink, although she waddles when she walks so a lot of the water spills.

I just remembered, she also does a "Miss Piggy" face which is hilarious. I will try to get it on video tonight. Love y'all!

Here is a very bumpy video of me trying to hide from Annabell so she will walk to me and stop playing in the hall way at church.


Unknown said...

haha, hilarious abby, just wait till that little boy is outa there, you won't know what year it is!
and annabell is precious in that outfit!

Anonymous said...

her dress is so cute!!
and u took the video at Mariner!
i miss you guys so much!

when is the due of your son?