Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hello all. Well today Annabell had her ups and downs. She woke up and was happy for about 2 minutes until I tried to give her milk. She didn't want anything to do with it and that began her unhappiness for the morning. She was very fussy and cried very very hard when I took her into the nursery. When I picked her up from the nursery she felt a little hot. So when we got home she was ready for her nap. But before then while we were pulling up to the drive way she noticed her daddy's Truck. He's out of town for the middle school retreat, so she missed him dearly at church. Anyways, she pointed to his truck and said "dada!" She thought he was home and was excited to see him. I was excited she recognized her daddy's truck. We wait outside sometimes when I know he's close to home and will wave as he pulls up. Well once we were inside I asked her if she wanted to go "night night" and she shook her head yes. So we got dolly, blanky and binki and off she went for 2 hours and 45 minutes. I was impressed with her nap and when she woke up she was much more happy and felt cooler. I decided to check her teeth and sure enough one of her molers (her top right) was cutting through...the rest of her gums look quite swollen too, so I think that is why she has been fussy and warm lately. The rest of the day she had fun playing inside since it rained a lot today. We also took a trip to the grocery story which turned out to be fun for her since they decorated the store for Halloween. We pointed out the spiders and Gools as we walked around.

It's official, Annabell does NOT like eggplant. Ha, I roasted some eggplant, peppers and onions. Three things Brad would NOT like for dinner, since he's gone I decided to try some with Annabell, not the onions though. Well she really like the bell pepper and rice I made and she continued to try the eggplant all supper long but would always spit it from her mouth after a second. She also really enjoyed trying chopsticks tonight. I was eating my dinner with them and she was very interested. So I decided to let her try. I thought she understood the concept fairly well although had no idea how to use them together. It was cute to watch her is some video. Love y'all!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Love the video! I was cracking up! And the commentary was great too! She's such a cutie!