Thursday, September 25, 2008


Annabell getting out of the car...Annabell and B..... B on the swing

B and our neighbor Bekah

The weather has been gorgeous for two days now. I'm sure it will be short lived so we have been taking advantage of it. We have been going to the park and playing outside a lot. Annabell is a very good climber, that's why we call her our little monkey! She can surprise me sometimes on what she can climb up on. I took some footage of her running around the park and climbing up the big kids jungle gym. It's pretty tall so I usually go with her but today I didn't and she did fine. There are several openings for kids to climb down that make me nervous though.

We have been working on talking and sounds lately. She understands so many words and will tell me yes or no if she is interested in doing something she asked for or if I ask her if she wants. But she hasn't said too many words yet. My neighbor hears them more often than I do though. I think I get so use to her babbling that sometimes I don't pay attention and out comes a word. We have worked on cow, dog, monkey and cat sounds this week. She has been trying to imitate me which is adorable. Her little eyes study my mouth and her lips mimic me while I make the sound. She has been calling Brad and I both "mama" lately. So Brad has been correcting her and saying "dada" when he is around, and sure enough, in Home Depot when Brad was at work she said Dada and pointed to a man. She is starting to associate men with dada and women with mama. But she is very clear when she wants only me because she will say Mommy.

Well we haven't gone on our morning walks since Tuesday because at my check up they said I was 3 cm and Brad is leaving town this weekend for a retreat so I decided to pull myself back a bit so that I don't go into labor while he is gone. We are both nervous about that, but I'll probably be that person that is 3 cm for 3 weeks. ha! After that appointment we put our to-do-list in high gear and finally packed our bags for the hospital, put the baby's car seat in the car, and moved Annabell's over. She plays with his car seat a lot, she thinks it's pretty interesting that she is on the side now. She likes to try and push the buttons on the car door, so now I drive with the window locks on. We packed a bag for Annabell too for when we go into labor. It has her "big sis" shirt ready to go!

Well I better get to my to-do-list chores before Annabell wakes from her nap! Love y'all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe how fast she's grown abby, and you're going to have two so soon! i saw your belly in the video - a shadow at least, can't wait to hear from the boy soon!
love you