Tuesday, February 10, 2009

saving babies

Well today Annabell, her brother and I all experienced our first Pro Life demonstration at Down Town Fort Myers. The President was in town promoting the stimulus package and Kelly and I took the kids, some signs and went to peacefully protest the F.O.C.A. and the repeal of the "Mexico City Policy". All in all it was a very intense yet safe protest. Annabell did wonderfully and enjoyed seeing all the different people. We did have a few people make crude remarks, but there were a lot of people that supported us as well. There were actually quite a few people that did NOT know about the President being for abortions. On a lighter note the kids were funny. They kept wanting to hold the signs, but then would throw them down and began to play with one another. Just an fyi for everyone: It was a very safe environment for the kids or we wouldn't of taken them.

In other news:
Annabell has been sick but is nearly clear of it by now. On Saturday she came down with a high fever and then on Sunday woke up with croup/fever (spelling?). The fever broke yesterday after a sweaty nap, but the raspy throat and coughing has seemed to pick up. We went to the Dr and he said as long as her fever was down she could go and play. So we went down town to see the President with some friends. It was a very hot day 80 degrees, but she did wonderfully. she helped entertain the twins while Kelly and I held signs.

Annabell's words have just exploded the past few days. She asks for 'bite'(s) of things now. She says she wants 'books' and plenty more...she was SO excited this evening to see her daddy come home. Brad was on an overnight staff retreat and was welcomed with an over excited toddler when he got home! She ran to the front door to greet him with smiles and hugs and then would NOT leave his side from that point on. She didn't even want me to read to her at bed time, but only 'Daaady' as she would say. I love how excited she gets to see him! When he got home I was sitting on his lap for a split second and she saw it and got jealous and slowly climbed on his lap and literally wedged herself between us! It was hilarious! She also called me 'Abby' tonight for the first time after hearing Brad call for me! Well that is all for now. Please continue to pray for her healing! Love y'all!

P.S. Our sister Michelle and brother Matt are expecting a boy in June!! We are so excited to meet him!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Brings back memories! Glad the kids had fun and people were educated. Cute pics!