Friday, February 6, 2009

#2 in the potty

Last night Annabell went #2 in the potty. I was very excited for her. We were getting her ready for bed time which was late because we went to youth group last night and listened to her daddy speak! Then we came home and I was in a rush to get very sleepy kids in bed. I was changing her when she started with her poopy face, so I asked if she needed to go to the potty. She shook her head yes and then we went to the potty. I was so proud of her and she was pretty happy with herself as well!
Here are some random photos of our week. She wanted to wear my hat that I wear when we go to the park sometimes. She also wants to get into photos a lot lately, she started to cry when I was trying to take one with her though, I think the picture so so funny because it was a pretty fake cry but she look so serious! Also here is some video of Annabell watching the Maddie Show. She was so funny because she kept answering her aunts questions on the video! She also loves watching B crawl! She asks for more each time the video stops! Love y'all!

P.S. Tonight is the highschool girls sleepover at my house! Pray that Ford sleeps well, Annabell has fun at Grandma's house and the the girls have an awesome and blessed time!


Unknown said...

great job annabell! she's going to have to come teach noah how to do that.

I can't believe how much she looks like you, or you look like her in that picture!

Grandma Z. said...

Love the pic of Annabell and Ford. The video is so cute. She loves to watch Madelyn. So sweet!