Friday, February 20, 2009

Missing Daddy

A picture of Annabell eating a lollipop that the bank teller gave her when we went through the drive through. We go there so often for our business that they know her and always wave to her and she always says 'Hi' to them. Very cute

Well we have had a busy few days. Annabell's Great Grandmother (my mom's mom) came into town on Monday. Brad left on Monday evening and we have been busy ever since. Annabell got to go to the beach on Tuesday with GG and Ford and I. She was hilarious. She was able to play on her own which was nice. She was collecting shells and then chasing the waves and letting them chase her up and down the shore line. She started to lay on the sand and pretend she was sleeping which made all the people around us laugh.

Yesterday we went to Meema's house to visit. Annabell loves that she can run in circles around their house. She was pushing all the toys that would role around the house.
(Cheese face)

She had a good time pulling every toy in that house out.
Annabell is in a MUST feed herself kick. Even if it's something she can't really get on the spoon she will try and try and try. She is doing pretty well lately though. Well Annabell has FINALLY verbally said Please! aka 'PEEAASSSEEEE'. It is so nice to hear her start to use her manners, she has used them via sign language, but hearing it is nice.
Annabell has been asking for her daddy a lot. She really misses him. I tell her he is in Haiti and then she changes the subject. She said a special prayer for him on her own in the middle of the day. She folded her hands and prayed with her Grandma, but it was by her own prompting. I love that she already loves to pray! I hope she always seeks to be close to the Lord in that way!
Annabell has been talking a ton. She likes to say my " "...or a few word sentences now and then. She also now understands when I say "say it" verses just signing things. Last but not least here is a picture of Joel, our neighbors son. He looked like he was throwing up the "peace" sign so I wanted to post it for Heather...too cute! Love y'all!

P.S. Sick update: Annabell is almost through it, she is just having a hard time getting her nose to stop running, thankfully she can blow her nose on her own really well! She likes to actually blow her nose in her hand, on toys, on my stuff and in tissue. Ha. Love y'all!

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