Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Head Injuries in the Gym!

On Fridays we go to the local gymnasium for toddler time. It is from 10:30-11:30 and worth every penny ($3). Annabell RUNS every ounce of energy out with about 50-75 other toddlers. The only problem is that it is a real gym and intended for gymnast therefor not toddler proofed. 2 different times Annabell literally walked right off the runway style trampoline. She fell on her head and received yet another head bruise. Which would account for 2 of the 7 she has had this week alone! She has so many bruises on her forehead that it looks like I don't take care of her!
She is just a very energetic and BRAVE young lady! Here is some video of her running around and playing with the kids! She has become very good at hanging on to the bars. At the park she dangles from the monkey bars and then swings herself back on the the tire aka step.

Just a few updates:
-when singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star she sings 'how I wonder' ..... and then kind of fades out.
-she still refuses to say Grandma's name, but is glad to say Daddy, Mommy, Bop Pi, Papa, and Bubi.
-we were reading a book called Just like Me and she would say 'ME' every time it came time to say that word in the story.
-she hasn't been eating as well lately, I think she is starting to prefer to eat the yummy meal that we are eating, spicy and all. Last night she had white chicken chili (spicy) and loved it
-she has been so physically loving lately. She gives her daddy and me huge hugs and kisses...I'm soaking it up of course.
-her bed time has been difficult lately. She cries when we put her down for a nap or bed. She never has done this before so it has been hard, but she is just starting to realize that she doesn't want to go to bed and can voice her opinion. We have practiced tough love and aloud her to cry and she goes to sleep fine.
-she is beginning to be able to go to youth events with Brad which her daddy and her both think is so cool! She went to the I-61 conference and watch a band and high-school students all hang out down town...she had a blast.

Just a side note...this video is long and hard to watch with all the moving, I just wanted y'all to see Annabell swing on the bars...after that feel free to turn it off...

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