Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines day...sick girl


Happy Valentines day.
Annabell receive a lot of gifts from Grandma. She loved them all of course, especially her heart pillow, glasses and Elmo book. Elmo is her fave!

Well for y'all that haven't heard, Annabell has been quite sick since LAST Saturday. She came down with a pretty high fever and then on Sunday she also got croup. The fever finally went away on Monday
(same day we took her to the Dr.)
but came back on Wednesday and stuck around until Friday. We borrowed our neighbors humidifier and it has really seemed to help her cough. It also helped her be able to sleep through the night. She actually has slept until 8 am 2 days in a row which has been REALLY NICE! She was hacking all night long but that also has started to stop since Friday night. Hopefully she is done with the worst of it and on her way to being better.
Well she is talking up a storm. She has said "my food" and "my shoes". She loves to say DOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNN now too. She draws it out so long, like she's trying to get us to really understand her. ha.
She actually got in bed herself tonight for the first time. I was reading to her and Ford in her room as she was getting ready for bed time and I said it was time for bed. Well she climbed down from my lap and hopped into bed. I kissed her goodnight, prayed and she told me night night. I couldn't believe it. Such a big girl act! She is growing up so fast!
Well for V-day we decided to take the kids to the beach. It was a gorgeous day out! There were a ton of people at the beach and Annabell really enjoyed playing at the play ground that is right near the water! We walked the new pier and then headed back home after a quick trip to Walmart. It was nice to be able to get out as a family.
The funniest thing today was probably Annabell's reaction to Brad and I kissing. We were at a red light and we snuck in a few kisses. Annabell was staring at us and seemed to be analyzing our every move with a huge grin on her face. It is so funny how she loves to see us happy together. We were dancing in the kitchen a few days ago and she had the same look on her face. She loves to see us love each other! I hope she finds a man just like her daddy one day! Oh, almost forgot, Annabell loves to say 'cheese' in front on the camera now. She will find my camera laying around and point it at herself and say cheese! Also when I have the camera she first says cheese and then runs over to her brother to pose with him...hence the picture of her smothering Ford.

Well that is all for now.

P.S. She had her first (Flintstone like) vitamin and loves them.

P.P.S. If you notice that my house is a MESS in all the pictures it's because Annabell has been sick and so she has had to play at home most of the time, which is out of the normal for us, we are usually always on the go but I didn't want to get other kids sick, so home bound we were...and she was so she pulled out all of her toys!


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Grandma Z. said...

I have such cute grandchildren! Love the pics!