Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas church service

Annabell has been doing so much lately. Today at our Christmas church service she began to sing all the songs with us! It was so cute to see her join in. I love the heart of children, so innocent and pure. She brings so much joy to us! Annabell has also started to JUMP a lot. She learned how to 2 weeks ago at the library. I just forgot to blog it. She loves jumping while dancing now. She has also learned to turn her head away from me when I have the camera. Not to happy about this one. But she's just trying to assert her she can have that one for now. She did get a few cute pictures this week though while looking at the camera. She has said a few more words: jump, ready, more, papa and I'm sure I'm forgetting some more. Yesterday we baked cookies at G-ma's for our annual cookie bake day. It was a lot more difficult this year since Adrienne and I both had babies to tend to while trying to bake. Big Pop did kid playing toys, one in his lap and rocking the Ford in his car seat with his foot! ha. We got a lot done considering. I think I gained 20 lbs from all the tasting though. After that we took Annabell and Ford to see the Christmas lights at a local BIG display in Briar Cliff. Brad use to go see this display when he was a kid so it was neat to take Annabell there to see it (Ford stayed in the car and slept; G-ma was watching him, don't worry). Here are some photos. Love y'all!

p.s. Annabell LOVES putting the underwear that I just folded from the laundry on her head, it's so funny. She'll run around screaming with in on her head, here is a few photos.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Love the nose picture! She's a cutie!