Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 08

Happy Thanksgiving! We went to G-ma's and Big Pops for Turkey day to celebrate all of our blessings! We got started this morning around 5:45 am when Brad's alarm went off for our 5k walk, the Turkey Trot. We got the kids up, piled into the car and made it there about 10 minutes before the gun shot. We had the double stroller and were walking with our friends, Todd and Stefanie Babb and their son. It was a lot of fun and motivated both families to start to train for the Edison Parade 5k, but this time we want to run. Like I said it was fun except for some hiccups with the kids. To start, just as the race started Annabell turned and looked at us with blood all over her nose. Apparently she rubbed her nose and pulled off a scab from her newest face injury (falling at church while trying to run with the big kids). So people were coming up to us with great concern saying, your daughter is bleeding! But we couldn't do much...I tried using some wipes, but one of the ingredients was salt and just made her bleed more and cry. So we had to allow the blood to dry and form a new scab while walking. It was also cold, which was nice for the walk, but Annabell's face got a little wind chaffed. So she didn't look to good by the end, but she loved the race. She liked seeing all the people walk around her. And since she loves 'people watching' she stayed occupied. Half way through the race Brad took off with Annabell since I had to hold Ford for a bit to calm him down (which made me walk slower). He took our double stroller with just Annabell in it and was weaving through tons of people! After the race we got in the car and had coupons on our window from McDonald's. So we headed there for breakfast on the way to G-ma's house. Brad got a mcGriddle, but didn't get much of one of them because Annabell wanted a little taste, which ended up eating nearly the entire thing! This was just the beginning of her eating! She literally ate all day! She took one nap today but there was too much going on for her second nap, so she was a fussy baby at dinner time. Oh I forgot to mention the Macy Day parade. Most of you know I don't allow Annabell to watch TV, but I broke the rule today because I wanted her to see the parade, and what a treat it was. We watched the beginning when the Rockets were dancing and Annabell began to dance with them, so cute! She was mesmerized. Well, anyways, her G-ma asked her to stay the night tonight so she is having a sleep over there! She loves playing there.
A couple things I forgot to blog this week:
We went to the library for story time, which is great because they also do dancing and some creative activities. This week they learned Vegetables to put into the pot for soup. She loved putting the felt cutouts onto the board. She is probably the youngest kid in the class but does great!

(listening at story time)

Also we went to the park yesterday and Annabell went on the tallest part of the jungle gym and began to put her legs on the first part of the bars and slipped through, she was stuck. So I had to climb up with Ford in my hands and get her out, I was able to snap a picture first!
Annabell has also acquired the name Monkey from me. She is always climbing, dangling, and jumping around! But if I didn't know she will probably be 5-9 to 6 feet tall when she is older I would say she is going to be the next Olympic gymnast! ha ha, ok I might be jumping ahead, but she is one flexible and innovative little girl. The other day she did a back bend while goofing around with me, and the yesterday she did a somersault completely on her own, we have never shown her one or encouraged her with one ever. She simply put her head on the floor while standing up and rolled, it was hilarious. She thought so too so she kept on rolling! Very cute. I tried to capture it but the memory chip wasn't' in the camera I had yesterday so I tried to catch it today, but it wasn't really the same, yesterday it was perfect and today she was goofing around a bit, I still put it video for your enjoyment! Oh and I attached a picture of Annabell and I so you can see her nose and mouth. She fell at church this past Sunday, and bloodied her nose and then ate some pineapple on Tuesday at bible study and her mouth began to break out! She had a tough week! Love y'all!
P.S. I'm grateful for my children and family! How blessed I am!


Unknown said...

It's so wonderful that Annabell doesn't watch TV. I wish I would have had discipline from the beginning with Noah. I'm trying to stop now though. It shouldn't be that hard for us seeing we don't even have cable, but it is!

And that's so great you guys did the Turkey Trot as a family! what a fun memory for Annabell.

Grandma Z. said...

She looks so interested in the story. I think she loves Grandma's house too.