Monday, November 17, 2008


Annabell has started (for the past few weeks) to try and scare is hilarious. She will hunch down and tiptoe toward us (she walks on her toes quite a bit). Then she will yell and run at us, trying to "get us". It is too cute. She also will hide behind a chair or the couch and Jump out and yell a kind of "booooh" sound and then start to laugh when we act startled. She is so funny. She loves to make people laugh. She also has said the word sky and tree. We were at the park and she pointed up and said sky and then began to clap for her self. She also pointed at the tree in our yard and said tree.
Another neat thing is when I go potty she sits on her little potty that we have set up in her bathroom. And when she's pooping I will ask her if she needs to go to the potty and she will say yes and go sit down on it...her diaper is still pulled up of course but she understands where it is, which is what I wanted.
She is such a good big sister...this morning she took Ford's gloves off of his hands (it was quite cold here this morning). And when I said, 'oh Annabell you took bubi's gloves off?' She proceeded to go and try and put them back on. She also becomes ecstatics when Ford coos and smiles at her. She loves it and will run to him when he makes any noise at all.
Annabell loves to help around the house. She likes to try and push the real vacuum when she gets a chance...she figured out where it is as you can see in the picture and was quite proud of herself.

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