Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sun fun day

(before you start, i know her outfit is funny, it's her cute redneck look :))

Well today we had a very busy day. It started early and ended late. I went to get Annabell out of bed first thing this morning, she was awake but just lying there playing with her doll (which is her custom, until she gets bored). She was so excited that I went and got her this morning. Well after that we got ready and fed and went to Lakes Park with her friends Lilia (Rachel's Daughter) and Mason (Stefanie's son). It was wonderful, we walked for quite a while admiring all the birds and trees. Then we went by the park area and saw that they have built a new water park which is awesome for children and the best part is that it is FREE! It was too windy at the time to take the kids so we headed to Stefanie's house for some lunch and then went to her pool. Annabell was the swimming queen, she didn't stop the entire time...she was constantly kicking her legs and splashing her arms. She also kept putting her own head under water and then coming up to breath, she is learning to hold her own breath which is very impressive to me, she takes after her daddy who also loves to swim! She had so much fun, and then she took a nap on me while we dried off. We then stopped by her dad's work around 5:30pm so he could see her (on our way home) and then headed home where she ate a ton of food. She had some (all beef) hot dog, black beans, an egg yolk, and mandarins. She loved it all. She also learned today to hold her cup up high to get the water to her mouth! I am so proud of her. She is so cute, she'll hold it up and then after she has enough to drink she'll bite the lid and pull it to make the water splash out. She thinks it's funny. she also thinks it's funny to rest the cup on her forehead upside down and watch the water trickle out. Well that's it for now, here are some pictures. Love y'all!

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