Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fun in the sun

Well Annabell has gone to the pool twice this week! She has absolutely loved it. The life guard noticed that she was already practicing swimming techniques with her legs and hands...she seems to be a natural water baby. She tends to poop out quickly the days that we go swimming though. She fell asleep in my arms while eating at the pool. Too cute. I can't remember the last time she's done that since I try to not allow her to sleep in my arms anymore. Well I think we might be getting close to adding a third meal to her diet. She's not eating as much lately (for the exception of Avocado...she would keep eating and burst before not eat her avocado) but she is waking up hungry. Last night she woke up and finally I gave in and fed her, she ate like a pig and then went right back to sleep for several hours. We'll test that theory out and see if it was a fluke or if she really needs more calories now. Well she has started playing in her crib now. Before she would just lay there and not ever roll over, even though she would roll around all day, but never in her crib. But something in her brain must of clicked and told her she can do that where ever she wants...She roles into these funny positions and gets stuck and then cries out for help. She's so funny. She also LOVES climbing me and her daddy. She just grabs onto us and up she goes! Soon it will be objects as well. Lets see...oh she now has started to reach out and face plant, while sitting down. She's creeps her hands out to what ever she wants and then BAM too far...but she's learning to hold herself up which is exciting to watch! Well she has been enjoying her visit with her Great Grandmother who came all the way down from Indianapolis to see her. Grandma has been a huge help and tends to capture Annabell's eye a lot. Annabell will stare at her and follow her anywhere she goes! She also is loving biting! UGH, it hasn't really hurt yet since she doesn't have top teeth, but I know I'm going to have to rid her of that behavior as soon as those tops come in. Well here are some pictures from yesterday, which was in the mid 60's which is pretty cool here, and then today in the upper 70's which was warm enough to go to the pool. Well I'll write more later! Love y'all

Friday, January 18, 2008

new food

Well Annabell has been doing wonderful. She is sleeping through the night again which is wonderful. I actually am so not use to it that I get in such deep sleeps that it's even harder to wake than before! We introduced yogurt to her. She likes it now but it took a few days to get her to enjoy it. It's just so bitter when it's plain yogurt with no additives. She is also going to try another food today or tomorrow, squash. Ever since the yogurt, her digestive system has been very good if you know what I mean...ha. I think it's pretty good for her though because she was having a hard time going to the bathroom with the intro to solid food. So let's see. We have been to the park a ton lately. We have several visitors since the park opened across the street. I've enclosed some pictures of Annabell and Emma and one with Mason. We had a little lunch date and then went to the park. It was nice. Well Annabell in the last week or so has started hugging me. I melt every time. She puts her little head down on my shoulder and I just hold on, cherishing every moment. Well I haven't been away from Annabell for more than a few hours at a time and those have only been a few times. But tonight her Grandma is going to watch her while Brad and I attend a training in Sarasota. So this will be one of the first times I haven't been here to atleast give her a bath and lay her down...ugh. I miss her when she even goes to the park with I'm sure I'll go crazy tonight, BUT it will be nice for her grandma to have that time with her alone. She does better when she doesn't see me when others are with her. Well Brad went and got her out of bed yesterday morning and he said that she was sitting up in her crib and when she realized someone was in the room she flipped over on her belly and pushed up to see who it was. I haven't seen her sit up on her own yet but I'm assuming I'll see it any day now. She is squirming on her belly so much that I'm sure crawling's right around the corner. Well I'll write more later, love y'all.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

sunday best 2

Well we went to church today and Annabell looked so cute I had to get it on tape. She is playing and making a deep belly noise that I don't know how to describe so I just filmed it. Also I got a little bit of her teeth on the film if you watch long enough. She is doing great with her food. She at half an avocado and half a banana this morning, which is alot for her. She's just growing like a weed. We'll be introducing some more food soon. Well here are the video's. Love y'all.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

two teeth with no sleep

Well we have had some very tiring days. Annabell has since last week had 2 teeth break through her gums. Her first bottom two. She is in a lot of pain and I feel bad because I have no idea what to do to help her through it. She doesn't like the teething toys that are cooled or not cooled, she doesn't like me rubbing her gums, even eating doesn't sooth her. The last two nights she has woken up for several hours crying and rubbing her eyes because she is so tired. Yesterday she only took one nap for about 1 hour. Today her naps have gotten a little better but she is fighting them still, except she did just go down to sleep easily for me. She is playing MUCH harder these days, she squirms everywhere and uses every bit of energy she has. She was quite energetic this afternoon after her nap; her Grandma conned her into sleeping by taking her on a walk and then wheeling her stroller into her room and letting her sleep. Well besides that all is well, she had her first home made meals this weekend. I made sweet potatoes which she likes even better than the canned stuff, and bananas, which she also loves. I tried the pourage, but she did NOT like it at all, so for now I am continuing to buy it. It's a lot easier and the mess of making it and the stickiness is just no fun. Well here are some recent photos. Love y'all.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Hey everyone, well here is a little video of Annabell playing this morning/afternoon. We are going to go to the park as soon after she wakes from her 2nd nap. She's drooling everywhere now! You can see her start to drool in the video as well. Her tooth looks like it's finally starting to cut skin, and it initially appeared to be coming in behind the ridge but the more it comes up the more it looks like it's coming in perfectly. Annabell saw herself in the camera and started to have a little chat with her image. It was cute. make sure your computer volume is up to hear her. Well it's starting to warm back up here, it's in the 70's once again, but not as hot as it was, which is nice. Well we will talk more later...Love y'all! Oh and her hair isn't quite long enough to truely have it up in a pony tail yet, but it was fun trying! ;)

Just found another video that we forgot to load at Christmas time, it's Annabell seeing some of her toys and playing and falling over alot, ha. She was just learning to sit up at the time! She stood up for the first time the night before that video though! Well here it y'all.

She was playing with the toy her cousin Mikayla bought for her in this one...

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Well it is honestly COLD here! All of Florida had a freeze warning last night and this morning. Which is too cold when I went to the pool just last week! The funny thing is Annabell loves the cool wind. I carry her outside with me to check the mail everyday and she was smiling so big every time she would feel the wind on her back. She thought it was the neatest thing! She doesn't have very many clothes that are "warm" enough for this weather so she wore an outfit that was a little too big but very cute today. She looked adorable at her 6 month check up, which went very well by the way! All my answers were answered by her doctor. She is 14.15 Lbs, 26.5 inches tall and 43 cm head size, which put her in the 75th percentile for height and the 25th percentile for weight. He said she was tall and skinny just like her mom and dad! He was actually Brad's pediatrician as a child too! Which is great since Brad has known him his entire life. Well we introduced bananas to her today, she loved it. And by that statement I mean she didn't spit it out but still grimaced a little...she is just too cute. So for dinner tonight she actually had something besides her cereal for the first time! Sweet Potatoes...which she likes a little more each feeding! Let's see, what else...Well her tooth is cutting through a little more. I can tell she is starting to be bothered by it. Tomorrow I'll freeze some rags for her to suck on, she seems to like cloth the most on her gums. I also am going to try and prepare her baby food for the first time starting tomorrow! WISH ME LUCK ;) Oh and on Wednesday we had a girls bible study get together for lunch. All the girls in which we started our old bible study 4 years ago came (with a few exceptions) and we all brought our kids! There were around 10 kids there! It was crazy and I found out that my house is completely NOT child proof. I will have to get around to doing that soon! Annabell LOVED being around other kids, she was sooo good, she just watched them all play and played with them. She didn't mind at all sharing. She's such a good girl! Well I'll update more later, love y'all!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 "is great"

Hey All! Well we have had a wonderful New Year so far. We spent New Years eve with our Brother and Sister in law on Brad's side of the family. It was fun. Annabell wasn't up too long though. She has been very congested (with out a stopped up nose though....weird). I took her to the doctor on eve and he said she was fine. She still sounds pretty bad though, but we have her 6 month check up on Thursday so we'll see what her doctor says. Well there have been several wonderful things that have been small milestones for her or maybe more for us! She is looking like her bottom right tooth is coming in. She sat herself back into a sitting position after falling down! Brad has worked hard on her learning how to do that. He always tells her, if you can't sit up don't fall down! So this time she sat back up. She also has finally started to enjoy some solid foods. She is liking her sweet potatoes finally. Well since her tooth is starting to come through, I noticed that she is gumming everything. Here are some pictures. OH and I almost forgot, she waived bye bye to Brad this morning. First we thought it was a coincidence but we waited and she did it again! She's such a smart little princess! Well I'll update y'all more after her appointment.