Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas is near

Well I can't believe how close we are to Christmas. Annabell has seem to make many changes recently. She now sleeps through the night! PRAISE GOD! She goes to sleep with out me feeding her or rocking her to sleep, I just lay her down drowsey and she's out like a champ. She does have her occasional stirring but is quick to fall back to sleep. I also no longer feed her through the night at all. If she wakes I simply rock her for a second and then put her back in her crib and she seems to be sleeping much more soundly that way. We had our annual Christmas dinner and she slept in her crib through all of the commotion! I was very impressed. Also we went to a Christmas party last saturday night and her Aunt Adrienne and Uncle Josh watched her at our house. They had her asleep in her crib before we even left around 7pm and she only woke once while they were watching her, she then slept until 730am in the morning! I was tickled pink. We are still only giving her cereal at night, but next week we will be starting it in the morning too. She also is a regular "roller" now, she has seem to figure it out and is rolling all the time now! She still squirms on her belly to get what she wants. She also has figured out how to put her binki in her mouth on her own, although it sometimes takes a while to get the plastic nipple in her mouth. Oh and her daddy finished her Christmas gift! It is a wondeful toy box! It is made of red oak and is something she will be able to keep and use forever. It also looks great in our living room! I've enclosed pictures of it and of our Christmas party! Love y'all!


mom2mlg said...

That is a very impressive toy box! Who knew that Brad had that in him? What a great Daddy!

Casey said...

i love the toy box, how meaningful!!

Unknown said...

that's such a cute toy box....and looks like annabell is showing off her long legs to that little boy, did she learn that from mommy??? haha