Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas and food

Well hello everyone, sorry it has been awhile since I have posted but we have been busy busy. Well let's recap shall we. On Christmas Eve we went to Mima and Papa's house for a WONDERFUL dinner and present exchange. On the way there Brad and I took Annabell to the mall to see Santa. We waited an hour, which actually went by rather fast, and finally got up to the big man. We were a bit worried that she would cry because she was tired after waiting around so long, but she did great, she thought he was very interesting and sat and played with her feet while we all snaped photos. Then we went to dinner and had a wonderful time. Annabell opened presents which she did pretty well with the exception she preferred the paper over the gifts half the time, and when she wasn't tearing the paper she was sucking on it. ha. While we were opening gifts she became very excited and stood up all by her self! It was wonderful, and the best part is her Uncle Josh was taping at the time so we have it on video. Well Christmas day was actually more eventful than I thought it would be. First we woke around 7am and opened Annabell's gifts, she once again loved the paper! Then after breakfast and her morning nap we went to play Tennis. We played a few rounds before Annabell was sick of just watching the ball go back n' forth. So we decided to go on a walk with her. Well here is where the smart mommy award gets handed to me....we were walking and came to some pull up push up bars at the new park. Brad began to do a few sets of pull ups when he jokingly said I needed to do some too, so me being the smart mom that I am I tied Roxy (our dog) to Annabell's stroller and began to do some sets as well, it wasn't 20 seconds before Roxy slightly pulled on the stroller and BOOM, down went Annabell! OH MY GOSH! Talk about FREAK OUT~! I screamed and ran to her. She was screaming and crying and I started to cry. But there is a happy ending. She just got a small red mark (she was straped in and didn't hit the concrete) on her forhead. We did all the precautionary steps to make sure she was okay, we woke her several times while sleeping (she wasn't happy) and checked on her too. We also got Grandma's opinion who said she was fine. I guess the first boo boo is always nerve racking, even more so for the parent.

So we also decided to start her on baby food since she will be 6 months on Saturday. We tried her fist veggie today, carrots. I was laughing so hard because I had never seen her make these faces! ha. Well hopefully we will have better luck tomorrow, the pictures speak for themselves. ha. Love you all!

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