Thursday, December 20, 2007

bath time

Well Annabell and I had a pretty fun day. We woke up (she slept until 6:20am, whooo hoooo) and then found that they had finally opened the park across the street from us. So we got dressed and off we went. She swung for a while and then we walked around the pond. Brad met up with us for a few minutes after one of his jobs and hung out just before going off to his next job. We then came home and she took her second nap for the day. Did some shopping and then went by Brad's work and then came home. She is SOOOOO interested in food now. She licks her lips and stares at me while I eat! I feel bad, I think it's time to give her a second meal besides dinner and as soon as I can find a bit more info on storing home made baby food we will introduce a veggie to her. Her sitting up is becoming much stronger and more balanced. She took a bath tonight and held herself up most of the night with the exception of a few slips. I had to put a bath towel under her butt to keep her from slipping around. As you can see she loves her bath toys. She focuses so hard on trying to pick one up in the water and then is amazed that she has it in her you can see! I bought her a new toy today that encourages her to sit up and play with it. She loves it! She gets so excited when playing with it and squeals with joy and bangs her hands on the floor next to it encouraging it's sounds. Well I started going through her outfits and thought there are so many she hasn't worn yet and is about to grow out of, so we put her in this adorable dress with a matching hat. She looked cute! Yesterday I had her in a cute 1st Christmas onesie with tights and an elf hat, but that was short lived because she decided to poop all over it and me! But the hat was so cute I got some pictures just before it happened. I love that she doesn't mind things being on her head or in her hair yet, hopefully that will be something that stays with her! She is also all about talking now, she talks to everything, her toys, people, etc. I also was playing a game with Brad and Michael where I had to sing and she started mimicking me singing, it was too cute, her high pitch squeals about sounded like mine, ha! Well here are some pictures. I know I put a ton up but each one shows her doing something else cute so I can't help but put them up, I'm a proud momma! Love y'all!

1 comment:

mom2mlg said...

How cute! The pictures in the tub are great. You are so lucky that Brad can come home to spend time with you guys! Plus, it is a great time to be in FL. Our park is under a foot of packed snow!