Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Annabell woke up last night with a high fever...102.2 (but i don't think it was quite accurate, I think it was higher). She was crying and shaking. So we got her some ice water and medicine, prayed for her and then back to bed. This morning is was 100.8 and now 99.9. Please say a prayer for her.
Just a few notes:
  • Annabell now yells out Dori's name and Darla's name when she sees them on Nemo.
  • She also uses her spoon and fork quite well these days.

  • She prays on her own which we LOVE to hear. She begins her prayers with lots of thanks for daddy, mommy, "Bord" (Ford), Mana (Briana), bahbah (big pop) and Papa. That's the names she remembers easily. We cover everyone else together.
  • She counts to 6 pretty well.
  • She went skating for the first time on Sunday. She LOVED it, but enjoyed even more just running around in her shoes on the rink.
  • She loves having bows put in her hair.
  • She now sings Happy Birthday to you...
  • She does the hand motions to itsy bitsy spider
  • she knows she has to go get her shoes to go outside now.
  • She feeds Roxy (our lab) daily, her chore...which she LOVES.
  • She likes to hold Ford, who is almost her size, on her lap.
  • She speaks in complete sentences, which I can translate most of the time...ha.
  • She also has gone through a testing phase for a while now, but responds best when I am calm and firm in tone.
  • Potty training has been kind of stagnant. I will read the how to potty train in one day book soon and see if she has met the milestones yet.


mom2mlg said...

Sorry to hear that Annabell is sick again. Hopefully this will be short lived and not shared with any of the rest of you. Glad to hear that her communication is coming along leaps and bounds - isn't it fun to hear what they are thinking?!

Grandma Z. said...

It looks like Annabell likes skating. Love all the pictures!