Friday, May 8, 2009


Here are a few notes and pictures and I'll update more later:
  • Annabell loves to hold Ford's hand in the car now. They even fall asleep together while holding hands! Too cute.
  • She talks all the time and likes to say "sure" and "right"
  • She seems to be scared of very few things...she even goes down the giant slide at the park.
  • She likes to take care of "Mana" (Briana) when I watch her Mon-Thurs. Today she woke up from her nap and was asking where she was!
  • Annabell's hair can now go up into a pony tail and not fall out everywhere. She wakes up every morning with it in her eyes though!
  • Annabell spends about 10 + minutes on the swings every time we go! She LOVES to swing

Here is a picture of B too...I just thought she looked too beautiful not to post it

Love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Very cute pictures. The park is so nice to have so close.