Monday, March 2, 2009


(she wears my shoes daily) (Silly Girl)

Annabell must of had the "Ah-Ha" moment in her head when it comes to understanding how speak. about a week ago she started to say everything. I can't even keep up with the amount of words she is saying daily. She is noticing and saying the most random words too, ie... eye ball, juice, thank you, and more. She has started to carry around 2 of her dolls and a blanket every where. When I went to open her door this morning she was standing by with all three in her hands. She calls the 2 dolls with baby faces', "baby" and the cloth doll that she always slept with "dolly". She does everything with them and loves to sway back and forth while holding them.
Well her daddy came home from Haiti on Thursday and she hasn't left his side at all. Every time he is home she wants him, non-stop. Which has made it difficult at times for Brad. She just wants to cuddle and he has a sprained shoulder and cold. But he is a great dad and insists on holding her. Another word Annabell has learned is "no". This has come into handy and been frustrating at times. She is learning not to tell us "no" if we tell her to do something and doing quite well with it. The most exciting word for me this week has been when I asked her to go pick out a book for me to read to her and she said "bible" and then went and picked up her bible! I was so excited because we hadn't worked a ton on it. It makes me realize I have to think about everything I say and how I say things these days because she understands more than you would think.
Annabell had so much fun at the Edison Day Parade. She was so patient since I had to tend to Ford. She started to cry because I couldn't quite hold them both close enough with the sirens going off, but my friends Grandmother held her and she enjoyed that time. She reminded me of my Nanny, so it was cute to see Annabell take so well to her.

Annabell has no fear; but for the first time I have noticed her being aware of her surroundings. We went to the park today and I went down the Big slide with her (it's probably about 13-15 feet in the air. She then climbed up the jungle gym and went toward the big slide, but carefully looked down at how high she was and then when she walked by 2 big openings that she could easily fall from if not paying attention she got on all four and crawled by to be extra cautious. Then slid down the slide on her own! This makes me more comfortable with her playing on her own.
Today Annabell also used finger paints for the first time. She preferred using the brush though. When she was done she said "nine" which is something she has been doing for a day or two...sounds German to me..ha...and then waited patiently for me to clean her off. Her patients have also been improving now that she is understanding more.
Lastly we have been having a lot of fun with hair styles lately. She allows me to do her hair and I love doing different styles..I took a few pictures of her hair from the other day. Love y'all!


Anonymous said...

she's so cute!

i miss you so much!

Grandma Z. said...

Great pictures! Your Grandmather had a great time and Annabell is adorable as usual.