Thursday, March 5, 2009

So much energy

Lately Annabell has been a BALL OF ENERGY. I kept trying to catch her on film this afternoon, when she would literally run in place and then run in circles around the house. She is hilarious, she makes us laugh so much and LOVES making people laugh, if she gets a reaction out of someone stand back, because what ever she did to get you to laugh she will do 10x more and 10x bigger. Her vocabulary continues to grow. She hasn't been able to say her "F" sounding words very well, for example she says "Bord & Bork" which is Ford and Fork. I have picked up on it though and we are trying to work on it. She is also in the testing me on everything stage. She is a good girl, but if I draw the line she likes to put her pinky toe across it to see my reaction. I have been try to be consistent on making sure she doesn't get away with it though, which is tough since she likes to do it on the smallest things. She means well though and seems to just be genuinely curious what will happen rather than disobedient. And sometimes it simply is her just not listening too well. She gets so caught up in playing that she doesn't hear me sometimes, which is hard because I typically have Ford in my arms and need her to listen to my voice and obey me rather than having to get up and get her attention. All in all though she is doing great. She is understanding more and more....she now knows when bed time is coming and gets upset, only for a second or two though.

She is such a character to Ford. She jumps, sings, dances, bounces, and anything else to make her brother laugh. His eyes are always watching her. He seems amazed at all she can do! She a very good helper with Ford. Here is some video of her wine-down time before bed...she was funny tonight, running from place to place. You can see Ford just starring at Annabell while she's a long video but she says hi to some of her cousins and some of her friends that look at the blog on occasion...She didn't say hi to everyone though....we'll have to get that on the next y'all!

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