Friday, February 20, 2009

Missing Daddy

A picture of Annabell eating a lollipop that the bank teller gave her when we went through the drive through. We go there so often for our business that they know her and always wave to her and she always says 'Hi' to them. Very cute

Well we have had a busy few days. Annabell's Great Grandmother (my mom's mom) came into town on Monday. Brad left on Monday evening and we have been busy ever since. Annabell got to go to the beach on Tuesday with GG and Ford and I. She was hilarious. She was able to play on her own which was nice. She was collecting shells and then chasing the waves and letting them chase her up and down the shore line. She started to lay on the sand and pretend she was sleeping which made all the people around us laugh.

Yesterday we went to Meema's house to visit. Annabell loves that she can run in circles around their house. She was pushing all the toys that would role around the house.
(Cheese face)

She had a good time pulling every toy in that house out.
Annabell is in a MUST feed herself kick. Even if it's something she can't really get on the spoon she will try and try and try. She is doing pretty well lately though. Well Annabell has FINALLY verbally said Please! aka 'PEEAASSSEEEE'. It is so nice to hear her start to use her manners, she has used them via sign language, but hearing it is nice.
Annabell has been asking for her daddy a lot. She really misses him. I tell her he is in Haiti and then she changes the subject. She said a special prayer for him on her own in the middle of the day. She folded her hands and prayed with her Grandma, but it was by her own prompting. I love that she already loves to pray! I hope she always seeks to be close to the Lord in that way!
Annabell has been talking a ton. She likes to say my " "...or a few word sentences now and then. She also now understands when I say "say it" verses just signing things. Last but not least here is a picture of Joel, our neighbors son. He looked like he was throwing up the "peace" sign so I wanted to post it for Heather...too cute! Love y'all!

P.S. Sick update: Annabell is almost through it, she is just having a hard time getting her nose to stop running, thankfully she can blow her nose on her own really well! She likes to actually blow her nose in her hand, on toys, on my stuff and in tissue. Ha. Love y'all!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines day...sick girl


Happy Valentines day.
Annabell receive a lot of gifts from Grandma. She loved them all of course, especially her heart pillow, glasses and Elmo book. Elmo is her fave!

Well for y'all that haven't heard, Annabell has been quite sick since LAST Saturday. She came down with a pretty high fever and then on Sunday she also got croup. The fever finally went away on Monday
(same day we took her to the Dr.)
but came back on Wednesday and stuck around until Friday. We borrowed our neighbors humidifier and it has really seemed to help her cough. It also helped her be able to sleep through the night. She actually has slept until 8 am 2 days in a row which has been REALLY NICE! She was hacking all night long but that also has started to stop since Friday night. Hopefully she is done with the worst of it and on her way to being better.
Well she is talking up a storm. She has said "my food" and "my shoes". She loves to say DOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNN now too. She draws it out so long, like she's trying to get us to really understand her. ha.
She actually got in bed herself tonight for the first time. I was reading to her and Ford in her room as she was getting ready for bed time and I said it was time for bed. Well she climbed down from my lap and hopped into bed. I kissed her goodnight, prayed and she told me night night. I couldn't believe it. Such a big girl act! She is growing up so fast!
Well for V-day we decided to take the kids to the beach. It was a gorgeous day out! There were a ton of people at the beach and Annabell really enjoyed playing at the play ground that is right near the water! We walked the new pier and then headed back home after a quick trip to Walmart. It was nice to be able to get out as a family.
The funniest thing today was probably Annabell's reaction to Brad and I kissing. We were at a red light and we snuck in a few kisses. Annabell was staring at us and seemed to be analyzing our every move with a huge grin on her face. It is so funny how she loves to see us happy together. We were dancing in the kitchen a few days ago and she had the same look on her face. She loves to see us love each other! I hope she finds a man just like her daddy one day! Oh, almost forgot, Annabell loves to say 'cheese' in front on the camera now. She will find my camera laying around and point it at herself and say cheese! Also when I have the camera she first says cheese and then runs over to her brother to pose with him...hence the picture of her smothering Ford.

Well that is all for now.

P.S. She had her first (Flintstone like) vitamin and loves them.

P.P.S. If you notice that my house is a MESS in all the pictures it's because Annabell has been sick and so she has had to play at home most of the time, which is out of the normal for us, we are usually always on the go but I didn't want to get other kids sick, so home bound we were...and she was so she pulled out all of her toys!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

saving babies

Well today Annabell, her brother and I all experienced our first Pro Life demonstration at Down Town Fort Myers. The President was in town promoting the stimulus package and Kelly and I took the kids, some signs and went to peacefully protest the F.O.C.A. and the repeal of the "Mexico City Policy". All in all it was a very intense yet safe protest. Annabell did wonderfully and enjoyed seeing all the different people. We did have a few people make crude remarks, but there were a lot of people that supported us as well. There were actually quite a few people that did NOT know about the President being for abortions. On a lighter note the kids were funny. They kept wanting to hold the signs, but then would throw them down and began to play with one another. Just an fyi for everyone: It was a very safe environment for the kids or we wouldn't of taken them.

In other news:
Annabell has been sick but is nearly clear of it by now. On Saturday she came down with a high fever and then on Sunday woke up with croup/fever (spelling?). The fever broke yesterday after a sweaty nap, but the raspy throat and coughing has seemed to pick up. We went to the Dr and he said as long as her fever was down she could go and play. So we went down town to see the President with some friends. It was a very hot day 80 degrees, but she did wonderfully. she helped entertain the twins while Kelly and I held signs.

Annabell's words have just exploded the past few days. She asks for 'bite'(s) of things now. She says she wants 'books' and plenty more...she was SO excited this evening to see her daddy come home. Brad was on an overnight staff retreat and was welcomed with an over excited toddler when he got home! She ran to the front door to greet him with smiles and hugs and then would NOT leave his side from that point on. She didn't even want me to read to her at bed time, but only 'Daaady' as she would say. I love how excited she gets to see him! When he got home I was sitting on his lap for a split second and she saw it and got jealous and slowly climbed on his lap and literally wedged herself between us! It was hilarious! She also called me 'Abby' tonight for the first time after hearing Brad call for me! Well that is all for now. Please continue to pray for her healing! Love y'all!

P.S. Our sister Michelle and brother Matt are expecting a boy in June!! We are so excited to meet him!

Friday, February 6, 2009

#2 in the potty

Last night Annabell went #2 in the potty. I was very excited for her. We were getting her ready for bed time which was late because we went to youth group last night and listened to her daddy speak! Then we came home and I was in a rush to get very sleepy kids in bed. I was changing her when she started with her poopy face, so I asked if she needed to go to the potty. She shook her head yes and then we went to the potty. I was so proud of her and she was pretty happy with herself as well!
Here are some random photos of our week. She wanted to wear my hat that I wear when we go to the park sometimes. She also wants to get into photos a lot lately, she started to cry when I was trying to take one with her though, I think the picture so so funny because it was a pretty fake cry but she look so serious! Also here is some video of Annabell watching the Maddie Show. She was so funny because she kept answering her aunts questions on the video! She also loves watching B crawl! She asks for more each time the video stops! Love y'all!

P.S. Tonight is the highschool girls sleepover at my house! Pray that Ford sleeps well, Annabell has fun at Grandma's house and the the girls have an awesome and blessed time!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Head Injuries in the Gym!

On Fridays we go to the local gymnasium for toddler time. It is from 10:30-11:30 and worth every penny ($3). Annabell RUNS every ounce of energy out with about 50-75 other toddlers. The only problem is that it is a real gym and intended for gymnast therefor not toddler proofed. 2 different times Annabell literally walked right off the runway style trampoline. She fell on her head and received yet another head bruise. Which would account for 2 of the 7 she has had this week alone! She has so many bruises on her forehead that it looks like I don't take care of her!
She is just a very energetic and BRAVE young lady! Here is some video of her running around and playing with the kids! She has become very good at hanging on to the bars. At the park she dangles from the monkey bars and then swings herself back on the the tire aka step.

Just a few updates:
-when singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star she sings 'how I wonder' ..... and then kind of fades out.
-she still refuses to say Grandma's name, but is glad to say Daddy, Mommy, Bop Pi, Papa, and Bubi.
-we were reading a book called Just like Me and she would say 'ME' every time it came time to say that word in the story.
-she hasn't been eating as well lately, I think she is starting to prefer to eat the yummy meal that we are eating, spicy and all. Last night she had white chicken chili (spicy) and loved it
-she has been so physically loving lately. She gives her daddy and me huge hugs and kisses...I'm soaking it up of course.
-her bed time has been difficult lately. She cries when we put her down for a nap or bed. She never has done this before so it has been hard, but she is just starting to realize that she doesn't want to go to bed and can voice her opinion. We have practiced tough love and aloud her to cry and she goes to sleep fine.
-she is beginning to be able to go to youth events with Brad which her daddy and her both think is so cool! She went to the I-61 conference and watch a band and high-school students all hang out down town...she had a blast.

Just a side note...this video is long and hard to watch with all the moving, I just wanted y'all to see Annabell swing on the bars...after that feel free to turn it off...