Wednesday, November 19, 2008


My neighbor and I ventured out with the kids today to do some shopping. It was an obstacle. First we left late around 930 because I was trying to get two car seats into her van and then kept forgetting things. We finally got on the road and around 10 we arrived at Gulf Coast center...just around that time Annabell started to get sleepy! So we went into Target and got the kids a snack pretzel so they would calm down a bit. We did some shopping but Annabell wanted to roam Target which I let her do until she started to walk off. But by then it was time to check out and that is when she saw the CUTEST little toddler boy ever...he walked up to her and held her hand. ADORABLE, so I grabbed my camera but it was too late, he let go and now she was after him, typical boy, ha.
Then we went into Babies R Us where Ford pooped everywhere, fought his feeding, threw up, cried and finally wen to sleep while Annabell cried because i wouldn't let her out of the cart and her friend was allowed. So we called the trip over and stopped by McDonalds on the way home to get them a bite to eat just before Annabell crashed in the back seat.
She has started to take great interest in Ford's toy and swings lately. Here is a picture of her in his seat, she loves to sit in it. She also likes to swing his swing, which is a little scary.
Annabell has started to say HI a lot, and it so clear when she says it. I love hearing her voice. She also pointed out the letter X and Balloons when I was reading her a book last night. I love how smart she is! She is also now sitting in the chair at our bar sometimes instead of her highchair...she really likes it so I should probably get her a booster seat soon.
She has also started to REALLY play rough with our neighbor. She runs and tackles her every time she sees her, which is fine on the grass but she is also doing it on the cement and hard floors. Not so good. Here is a picture of her tackling Bekah, while Bekah is being a good sport. Love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Annabell looks like she is having fun! So cute.