Friday, November 7, 2008

A good day

Annabell had a great day yesterday. She was feeling much better from the moment she woke up. We got up and went to the park, she played hard and then crashed for a few hours before waking up and eating her lunch. She is doing better about being gentle with Ford the past two days. She also isn't touching him as much when I tell her not sleeping etc... She has been wanting to hug him and kiss him though lately which I adore. She also has started to like and swing him in his swing. Very cute. The first thing she does when she wakes is goes and checks on Ford. She is a great big sister. Very protective.

Yesterday she received a gift from Babs and Parker (her great aunt and uncle). It was an adorable hat. She wore it and then showed it off to her daddy when he came home between jobs yesterday. She had more fun with the wrapping paper of course. She brought a huge piece of paper from opening her gift over to me and I put it on my head and she thought it was hysterical! She began to laugh and then I handed it to her and said "put it on you head" and she did and walked around trying to knock it off her head by shaking her head back and forth. It was too cute. I have also noticed that the more involved I am with Annabell the better she does with her brother. She is much better with him when I play with her and take her places. I think it helps her not to be jealous. Well her are some pictures of Annabell...she was too cute this morning with her pony tail so I wanted to snap a photo before it fell out, which it did while we were on our walk!

Love y'all!


Amanda said...

Abby we'll go sailing soon! Annabell is sooooo cute! Man, she gets cuter everyday! We have to get together soon!

Grandma Z. said...

Love Ford in his Daddy's sweater. The pic of Big Sis hugging Ford is adorable too!