Monday, May 19, 2008


(her crazy hair after church on Sunday, thought aunt Viva would appreciate the huge curl on top)
Annabell is such an amazing baby to us...she seems like she putters around the idea of doing something new and then BAM all of a sudden she does it! Today she walked quite a bit! She started to think it was a game and would walk back and forth....she was ready for bed and became sleepy after about 5 minutes of hard walking....not continuous of course but consistently for 5 minutes...I hope the video will work, I've been having problems uploading video. Anyways, she did that just when daddy got home so she could show off for him...she is too precious! She also feel and busted her teeth again, I think that may have motivated her to walk too, she crawls too fast for her hands to keep up and boom there goes her mouth into the wood floor. Here is the video (small clips) of her walking, love y'all! Oh and it's so funny because she has lately been protesting using her sign language and any other form of talking (just for the past couple of days) but I wonder if it's because she has been focusing on walking...who knows. Love y'all! P.S. The color is dark because the lighting was bad...sorry.

1 comment:

mom2mlg said...

That is so exciting! Maddie has stopped walking since just before she got sick. I think a growth spurt threw off her balance and then we all got sick. Oh, well. They all walk eventually. Better get back to baby-proofing because she will be able to get to more now that she is walking.