Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day and Little brother

Today is mothers day and it has been wonderful, I woke to find a card on Annabell's changing table that Annabell made me with the help of her daddy! It was perfect! Well the other day we went to sneak preview with all the family and several friends to find out the sex of the baby, and we found out we are having a BOY! Annabell wore her Yokatta for the event. Ryoko (our Japanese exchange daughter) sent it to Annabell and traditionally it's worn on special occasions or festivals. So we thought the event warrant that. We are so excited for Annabell to be a big sister. She will do wonderfully. She has been around a few small babies lately and just smiles at them and pets them. I am teaching her to pet my belly and I say "ahh baby, and softly". She is starting to understand to be soft with babies when I say that. She is growing so fast...she now points at things and loves to laugh. She is so close to walking permanently. She is becoming more and more adventuress. She climbs up and over things now and loves to try and figure out how to get around something that is in her way. She will hold her breath underwater even if I don't blow in her face first now, which is wonderful, since we want her to swim asap since there is so much water's nerve racking thinking a baby could drown so the sooner the better. Well HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL! Love y'all. Here are the pictures of her in her yokatta and climbing up on stuff! love y'all again.

1 comment:

mom2mlg said...

Glad to hear that you had such a nice Mom's Day! That was really sweet of Ryoko to send such a special outfit to Annabell. I can't believe how light her hair is getting from all that Florida sun. And it looks like it is getting longer too. Pretty soon she is going to need clips to keep it out of her eyes.