Sunday, April 27, 2008

beach today

Our church had a potluck dinner and several baptisms at the Yacht Club today. Annabell loved playing in the sand and all the attention she was getting from the little girls. She also enjoyed swimming with Brad. She is growing up so fast...she can stand for quite a while now when she doesn't want to sit down. Anyways, here is some video of her at the beach and playing around! Also here are some pictures I've been meaning to upload and just now got around to doing...this is of her play date recently and her just laughing at herself in her bedroom! Love y'all!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Learning alot

on Annabell has been learning so much lately. She also has been learning to test her mommy and daddy. She is learning her shapes (at least how to fit them into the right shape on her box). She has had her top two teeth come in last week and then the third one came through 3 days ago, which brings her to a total of 5 teeth! She has done great with it though, not too many tears. She did have a lot of tears on Saturday when she fell mouth first into the hard floor! Both sets of teeth went through her lips (not all the way though). She was bleeding and had the largest lips ever! I felt horrible that she hurt herself, but she seemed comforted by sucking on some ice for a while. She has had a couple of play dates recently and absolutely loves playing with the other children. We go to the park almost daily and she truly enjoys playing there. We will be keeping our friends 2 boys for about 3-4 days while they deliver their 3rd baby, starting today. We have a lot of out door activities planned, since the boys are 3 and 4 I plan on running out all their energy! I'll probably run mine out as well! ha ha. They are good boys though so it shouldn't be difficult, plus it will get me ready to have more! Just an update on baby #2, we have a Dr. apptMonday and then find out the sex on Saturday the 3rd. We are very excited. Annabell will be such a good big sissy. She had her pictures taken yesterday, I found this great place where you can get 36 pictures (of one pose) for about 9.95! Needless to say we'll be going there for now on, plus they are great! I told them I was only going to buy the cheapest thing when I walked in (knowing her 1 year pictures are right around the corner) and they still spent about an hour with her. They were very patient! But we might try an afternoon shot next time, I took her at 9 am and she was still zoned out from sleeping! Well here is some video of her playing and putting the blocks (while she was focused for 2 minutes, ha) in the right shape. Love y'all!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sun fun day

(before you start, i know her outfit is funny, it's her cute redneck look :))

Well today we had a very busy day. It started early and ended late. I went to get Annabell out of bed first thing this morning, she was awake but just lying there playing with her doll (which is her custom, until she gets bored). She was so excited that I went and got her this morning. Well after that we got ready and fed and went to Lakes Park with her friends Lilia (Rachel's Daughter) and Mason (Stefanie's son). It was wonderful, we walked for quite a while admiring all the birds and trees. Then we went by the park area and saw that they have built a new water park which is awesome for children and the best part is that it is FREE! It was too windy at the time to take the kids so we headed to Stefanie's house for some lunch and then went to her pool. Annabell was the swimming queen, she didn't stop the entire time...she was constantly kicking her legs and splashing her arms. She also kept putting her own head under water and then coming up to breath, she is learning to hold her own breath which is very impressive to me, she takes after her daddy who also loves to swim! She had so much fun, and then she took a nap on me while we dried off. We then stopped by her dad's work around 5:30pm so he could see her (on our way home) and then headed home where she ate a ton of food. She had some (all beef) hot dog, black beans, an egg yolk, and mandarins. She loved it all. She also learned today to hold her cup up high to get the water to her mouth! I am so proud of her. She is so cute, she'll hold it up and then after she has enough to drink she'll bite the lid and pull it to make the water splash out. She thinks it's funny. she also thinks it's funny to rest the cup on her forehead upside down and watch the water trickle out. Well that's it for now, here are some pictures. Love y'all!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hey everyone, well the heat is here, although we should be getting a cold front to take us back into the 70's tonight. It has been nice being out in the sun though, minus all the bugs! Which are HUGE! Anyhow, Annabell, her daddy and I went to the pool on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. We are planning on taking her a lot this summer since she LOVES water, it's one of her favorite things! She was enjoying her funny laugh or growl she has learned lately, she was showing off laugh to her uncle Josh and aunt Adrienne...she was so excited they came over that she was hyper! She is a lot like her daddy. Well here are some pictures of Annabell in her lady bug bathing suit her aunt Michelle and uncle Matt bought her! Love y'all!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Teeth!

Well Tuesday Annabell finally cut her two top teeth! I didn't even notice because she didn't seem bothered, but she has been waking up during the night sometimes, but she goes back to sleep on her own, so it didn't dawn on me until I felt them on Tuesday! Bless her heart, she has been so good while teething. Well she continues to make more progress with trying to walk. She is such a strong baby. She also is so excited sometimes that she hurts other kids...we were at the park yesterday and there was a little girl who crawled up to her in the tunnel at the jungle gym...Annabell got so excited and began to smack her face in delight...i felt bad but couldn't scold her for being I am trying to teach her to be soft with others and dogs these days. I am showing her how to pet Roxy and hopefully she'll pick up on it before we come across another baby. Well she is such a chatter box, here is some video of her walking and talking. I hope y'all have a blessed weekend! Love y'all!

Monday, April 7, 2008

New Camera

Well it has taken me a while because Brad bought me a new camera...a small one that I can use instead of dragging around his huge camera and a separate video camera...anyways, I had to learn how to use it so that on top of my normal busyness was too much to get on here. Well lets see. Annabell is growing like a weed. We had her 9 month check up and the Dr. said she looked great. She is in the 90th % for height, 50th for weight, and 75th for head. She now says Dada all the time. Brad said he heard her say mama today, but I missed it! He said she looked at me and said it. She is walking while holding onto things a ton these days. She now uses signs for "all done" and "milk". She is eating a lot of finger foods, but we still give her baby foods to keep her well nourished. She now Loves to give kisses. She clamps down on my lips, I think it won't be as cute when her upper teeth come in, which they are getting close. She keeps testing her balance with standing...she'll let go for a second to see if she can stand on her own...She tends to move to fast for her body to keep up though. We have started to go to the park daily and walk 2 miles and then play at the park...she seems to enjoy it...she is always more peaceful when outdoors... her favorite things tend to be the wind and people watching. She really enjoys that. She also loves Sunday school. She plays so hard while there. It has been raining a lot here lately, so there has been some beautiful rainbows. Well I am sure I have forgotten a ton of things she has done lately, but when I remember them I'll be sure to put them up! Love y'all.

P.S. We are expecting baby #2 on Oct 14th. We are thrilled, please keep us in your prayers!