Friday, May 15, 2009


Picture of us from Mother's Day (I loved how she hugged me!)

Annabell continues to make us laugh. Last night I was up late finishing a short novel, and all of a sudden I heard "Hi!" and then louder and more enthusiastic "HI!!!". She was sleep talking! That is the first time I have ever heard it, and I couldn't help but laugh. I talk in my sleep all the time...Brad says I have conversations! So it was funny to hear her happily saying Hi to someone in her dream.
She is a dancing machine. We turn on a karaoke CD during the day and dance our booties off. She loves it and her brother likes to laugh at us.
Best snack yet!! Kelly Eastman suggested using go-gurts (yogurts in a plastic Popsicle like bag) and freezing them as nice cool treats. It's all yogurt and the kids think they are Popsicles. Well I tried it and Annabell LOVED THEM! She ate it so fast that I thought she must of dropped it somewhere but sure enough she had just eaten it that fast!
Well G-ma now has a name, it's "Mamaa" pronounced like Grandma on the vowel emphasis. She loves her Mamaa so much! She likes to call her and talk to her on speaker phone. Speaking of that, today she got to talk to her Papa on speaker phone(who she later insisted on calling again). She was so excited to talk to him! The best part was when she said "Daddy's at work"! She has said sentences before, but they are usually broken with the exception of "I want ___" etc. It was so awesome to hear her speak like that. She also (about 3-4 days ago) started saying "thank you" with out prompting! I was so excited and praised her so much for her good manners that she ran around saying it over and over! Now we are working on "your welcome". I was explaining why something was wrong the other day and she said "yes ma'am" unsolicited, which made me ecstatic! She also said "Yeah?" when I called for her from the other room today, which I laughed at and was excited she understood that she could respond so far away, but also didn't like "yeah" and wanted to encourage "yes ma'am" but the laughter won that battle.
We bought Annabell big girl panties today. She was very excited to get them at Walmart tonight! She started taking a strong interest back to her potty training today, so I think I might encourage it with some panties! (not sure if that's the "right" method so if you have input feel free to share!). She keeps taking her diaper off. All day I was putting it back on her, so I was thinking maybe she will enjoy wearing actual panties. We'll see ;)

Annabell is really enjoying more social activities. She has always loved them, but now she likes to follow the instructions and pay attention (most of the time). Here is a photo of her at the library

The other day we were at bible study at Lucinda's house, who has a pool. The kids swim afterwards and Annabell wanted to join. But since I didn't pack for the occasion she wore her diaper. Well that didn't last long. She then wanted to take it off and swim in the nude! She was so funny running around with no worries...ah to be like EVE. Here is a video of her learning that kicking under water can get you somewhere. I was excited that she learned this concept and grabbed the camera to catch some. She doesn't usually use "floaties" of any sort, but this learned to be a valuable tool in teaching her the concept of kicking to move in water. Love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Love all the pictures and video. Gogurts are a great treat and the Yoplait whips freeze like a slushie. Love her sitting still for her class.