Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend

We have had a a busy weekend! Good Friday Annabell came with me to a local Gym and played while I took a spin class. She seemed o.k. with it. It wasn't the best environment for building kids up. They had a TON of toys, but they also had a lot of video games and there was no structure, so the kids just played by themselves or with others. Annabell was playing by herself when I came in (I could watch her on a T.V. from the gym though, which was nice). She was neatly placing each letter on a sticky board. She was excited for me to come pick her up though. Which she normally isn't as eager to go when in Sunday school (where there is more structure and organized fun).

Then on Saturday morning Annabell, Ford, Daddy, and I all went to the park across the street for an Easter egg hunt and picnic lunch, complements of a local church called "The Connection". It was a great time. The only problem was the eggs had ants on them because they pre-filled them with candy. So Brad was sweet enough to take all the ants off of Annabell and Lilia's baskets. Annabell had a lot of fun opening up the eggs and putting them in her basket. She preferred to put her basket down, run all over the place looking for eggs and then bring them back to her basket. She would put them in and then immediately take them out to check out the candy.

After the hunt Annabell played at home with Lilia and then took a nap. When she woke up we went outside and played with Dad in the baby pool. It was a hot day so it made for a nice break. Annabell had a BLAST playing in the pool with Brad. I would post some but since her diaper was heavy her butt was showing most of the day! ha.

After supper we died eggs as a family. Annabell really enjoyed dying the eggs but I think her favorite part was watching Daddy juggle the eggs! She proceeded to try and juggle herself shortly after. Not the same outcome. ha.

Easter morning was a whirlwind. I woke at 6:19 for Ford, and then after feeding him and getting myself ready Annabell woke-up. She was excited to see her Easter basket and toys but dove right into her brother's stuff. Here is some video of her waking up.

She actually let me curl her hair this morning, but since I don't own hairspray, it fell by the time we arrived at church. She looked so beautiful in her dress!
Her cousin actually had the same one, and no we didn't plan it, just happened that way. They were adorable!
The church had an egg hunt as well today. She was really getting a hang of finding all the eggs and looking in unassuming areas for kids, like bushes etc...
She had even more fun at Grandma's and Big Pops house today. She played so hard today with the fish and birds and kids. She went right to bed this evening.
Annabell is really saying some neat things lately. She sings "B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me, BIBLE!" and you can actually hear her say most of those words!
She is saying complete sentences pretty well now. She is GREAT with her brother. When he is in a chair or a swing she will give him his "Me-me" which is his binki, if he cries. They play really well together, and he loves laughing at her. She also is doing great with potty training. She still tells us when she needs to go, most of the time. OH I almost forgot. When I was at the gym they actually paged me, and upon arriving they told me that she need to go potty. She was standing at the gate, grabbing at her pants saying "potty" when I walked in (they don't handle diapers or potty training there). She also told me she had to go potty at the beach on thursday. I was so proud because they both were unfamiliar circumstances for her where she was preoccupied with playing and still let me know and even let a teacher know! My big girl!

Here are some pictures of Annabell's beautiful dress and curled hair.

We even took a family photo this morning at church.
Sorry about not rotating the photo's. I'm just too tired to edit them now. ;). Well we love all of y'all and thank GOD that we can praise him for conquering death! HAPPY EASTER! Love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Very cute picture of Annabell and Ford. I see Dad still has his skills. Annabell looked adorable in her pretty dress. She seemed to love egg hunting.