Friday, October 26, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

Well last week a group of us decided to take our kids to the pumpkin patch (in florida it's really just a parking lot with hay swirled around and pumpkins on the ground...ha). We dressed them up in halloween colors and took them out. It was alot of fun, it was kind of cloudy and sprinkling but the babies still enjoyed the pretty colors, and I believe the moms had even more fun! I didn't want to go out and buy a costume for Annabell this year so I just put her in some Pumpkin colors and used a pumpkin hat we bought for a dollar at Target. But since the colors were so neutral I thought people might think she's a boy. So jokingly I tied a huge bow on her head. Rachel thought it was so funny and we both thought it was adorable so I left it. She was so good about having it in her hair. Well Annabell realy enjoyed it, were there about an hour and then we pulled out my bumbo seat and had the children take turns sitting in it for pictures. She was the last one to sit down for her picture and she was so tired that she started crying for about 2 seconds before she conked out...she was soooo sleepy. This is Annabell and her best friend Lillia sleeping in the car when we got home. Well I hope ya'll like the photo's. I will update more often! Love ya'll!


Unknown said...

Abby, you and Annabell are so beautiful! i love her dimples and the green bow idea is hilarious, only you...i want to see video of annabell laughing!
love ya

mom2mlg said...

it looks like you all had a nice time. the bow is really cute on her. i don't think that madelyn would wear one like that for long with all her constant movement, but i might give it a try.