Thursday, October 11, 2007


-Brad and his sister taking a picture together just after seeing one another for the first time since she arrived in Florida.

Well today was alot of fun for Annabell! We went to Mima and Papa's house and she met her Aunt Michelle, Uncle Matt, and Cousin Madelyn! It was so cute to see them together! Maddie seems alot older but they are only a week apart, but she has just grown like a weed! She is TOO cute! It was so cute to see them together finally. They were both such blessings to Michelle and I; and to know that they were created by God only a week apart is really special! Here are some pictures of the girls together. They both ended up crashing from playing so hard. They took a nap together in Grandma' and Big Pops room. Well tomorrow they are going to see one of their great grandmas, so I'll keep you updated! Love ya'll!

1 comment:

mom2mlg said...

those are some great pictures! i would like a copy of the one of me and brad. it was great to meet annabell - what a cutie!