Monday, September 24, 2007

Annabell Michelle Zachritz

Well our daughter, Annabell, joined us after 27 hours of labor, on June 29, 2007. She was a perfect angel, as beautiful as they come. The biggest surprise was her gorgeous black hair! We loved it. Her hair has since then turned to a beautiful rich brown with a hint of red that you can only see in the light. She is the apple of daddy's eye and mommy's joy.
She has recently learned how to suck on her hands at will, she's only found her thumb once, but quickly lost it again. She also has learned how to scream in delight when talking, and she seems to mimic me saying "HIIIIII" every morning. Just adorable. She also loves watching tv with daddy, her favorites seem to be ultimate fighting and football. She seems to like all the movement! Well about 3 weeks ago she took her first plane trip! She did wonderfully on the plane as long as I fed her on the way up and down. She seemed to grab everyone's attention where ever we went. Strangers would walk up and start talking to her. I didn't mind it at all, except those few people that felt the need to touch her when I didn't even know them. I think that babies just seem to bring out the joy and love in people. She is now 3 months and will be taking her first professional photos in about 2 weeks, we can't wait! We will post how that goes when we get a chance. We have taken a few trips outside and had a little pow-wow on a blanket, she seems to love the wind. It has been really nice the past couple of days, fall is just around the corner in Florida, it's my favorite time of the year here!
I will be staying home with Annabell this friday on; I am very excited! I can't wait to start planning her play dates and walk time! Well that's all for a comment and let me know if there is anything else you would like to know! Thanks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

first comment...YESSSSS!
i love annabell's hair, she's def. a rockin baby. I'm excited for your adventures and play dates with her more pictures of that cute chunk.
love ya!