Wednesday, June 3, 2009

where's my little girl???

(Annabell and Briana) (Annabell and Adrienne Snow)

Annabell's continues to amaze me in how much she knows. Tonight she was reading through her baby colors book and was telling me different things. I specifically asked her "what is the baby wearing" and she told me "a towel" which was correct. I was surprised because I had never practiced those kind of question sentences with her. I also asked her what her name is and she said "aaaabelll"! She was so excited, probably because we did a celebration dance after she understood the question correctly and said her name. Ford sneezed today and she turned to him and said "bless you!". She also said "YO!" after she heard me say that while answering a phone.
Honey mustard pretzels are Annabell's favorite snack right now. You should of seen the yellow stain around her mouth from all of the pretzels she ate! Also Brad and I could barely contain our laughter when eating dinner as a family last night. Annabell decided to server herself rice. She stood up and leaned her entire body on the table to reach the rice bowl, grabbed the spoon and very slowly put some rice on her plate and then put the bowl and spoon back. We had to keep our laughter composed so we could correct her about doing it with out help. It was funny though. Speaking of independence she likes to say "walk" when she does not want to hold my hand, which I am fine with as long as we are not in the street. When we are I tell her "we are in the street so you have to hold mommy's hand" and she does so very well.
Last week (well starting about a month ago but it hit it's top last week) Annabell became very ill. She had a fever of 103.5 or higher for 3 days straight, so I took her to the Dr. She was given antibiotics (Amoxicilin) but they seemed to only worsen things. So on Friday we took her back. She was given a stronger antibiotic shot, chest x-ray, and then antibiotics for a prescription as well. She is healed thanks be to God. Thank you all for your prayers! She is finally getting her appetite back and eating everything in the house again.

About 2 weeks ago we decided to plant some herbs (because I would love to start cooking with fresh herbs) while daddy and bubbi took a nap. So Annabell and I got the dirt out. She shovel dirt into each planter, mixed the seeds and the water and poured them into the dirt. She then placed them in the window. We planted basil, chives, and parsley. They are starting to sprout and she is seeming interested in them. We also planted some wild flowers which are starting to finally sprout...the seeds are over 2 years old though so we'll see what they do.

I don't know if you noticed or not, but Annabell is wearing "big girl panties" in several pictures. She did GREAT in them. She wore her first pair for about 3 hours with no accidents. And the next day she wore them 2 times with only one accident. We even went out to a friends before she had any accidents for the day. She didn't like having an accident in her panties. Unfortunately she became sick shortly after and potty training went out the door because she was so ill. But she did ask to go to the potty a few times today so I think she is starting to become interested again. I must say I wish we had a kids toilet that fit over ours so I didn't have to clean up her potty every time she goes, it's not fun. In the pictures above Annabell is climbing into Ford's crib. She does this on occasion and has only done it once with him in it without me around. She likes to make him laugh and he LOVES it.

Finally Annabell and daddy mowed our lawn together, she was so observant of "helping" her daddy with her hands on the controls. She was very intensely focusing on the lawn and was excited to help. I brought her and her daddy some water and there is a picture of her relaxing in the driveway with her water after her hard day of work. I adore her!

A few more notes:
Annabell is adamant about washing her hands.
She likes to climb on our backs for rides.
she asks to bring Roxy to the park
she loves asking for her friends Owen (2 1/2 year old boy) and Courtney and Bekkah (babysitters).
She calls me Abby on occasion (which doesn't bother me since she doesn't understand it to be disrespectful, it's my name, and doesn't do it too often.
She continues to love necklaces and jewelry of ALL kinds.
she will now "race" me at the park.
We also play red light green light and she enjoys the game.

Well that's all for now, love y'all!


Grandma Z. said...
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Grandma Z. said...

All the pictures are very cute. I have some more of those pots if you want them. I can't believe she is almost two!!