Thursday, June 25, 2009

TN family visit.

(one of Annabell's b-day gifts (dress), I love it on her!)

My family came down from Tn to visit for a little while. Annabell was SO excited to see KK! They played really well together when Annabell wasn't hitting or pulling on KK. We are trying hard to teach her not to hit/pull/poke/slap/scratch other people! But it is a work in process. Half the time she is doing it to play around, and the other half she is getting mad because they are in her territory OR playing with her things. So we are now telling her that EVERYTHING belongs to Jesus so we share the things he is letting us use. She is learning, and getting better, but to me it feels like a slow process.

We went to the new Chick Fil-A fast food joint in Cape Coral while they were here. They have a GREAT indoor play area for kids! It's clean, air conditioned well, and most of all sound proof from the windows around it! I love it! KK and Annabell played so much! They were dressed in their matching outfits compliment of aunt Kari for their pictures together!
Papa loved spending time with his grand daughters! The girls would sometimes get jealous if the other was sitting by papa or in his lap, so you can see that they both decided to cuddle up next to him! Too cute.

Annabell learned how to be silly in a picture from KK! This was her best effort at the time.

We went on a boat ride with everyone while they were down here. It was a lot of fun. Annabell was a LOT more fearless this time on the boat. She would walk around while Brad was driving which was making me a nervous wreck! She would listen okay though, it was more her getting too close to the edge of the boat and leaning over to look out that was making me freak. I could NEVER take her on a cruise until she is in Middle School or High School...way too nerve racking.

Annabell has finally come to a GREAT hair age. She likes watching me do other peoples hair, like KK and Briana, and then allows me to do hers. She let me put "Princess Balls" in her hair for the pictures! I use to do KK's hair like that all the time so it was nice to put Annabell's hair in them!
Annabell got an awesome pool from Big Pop and MaaMaa for her 2nd birthday (which is June 29th). So she isn't quite 2 yet...I'm holding on! They grow up WAY TOO FAST! As you can see Annabell LOVES it. She goes down head first, belly down, Belly up, backwards, forwards and sideways! It was a great gift!

This last video shows Annabell being a little aggressive. This is the "play" aggression that is the most common type I have to deal with. She is just trying to rough house, and it's fine with KK, but with kids her size, sometimes a little bigger, and smaller, it's typically not fun for them and they get upset thinking she is "fighting" as Kelly's cute daughter Emma would say.
Well that is it for the pictures of the y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Happy Birthday Annabell!!! She is beautiful and very sweet. I know she enjoyed your family's visit. She loves her pool and that makes me happy!!!