Monday, June 22, 2009

Magical Treat!

Well we finally took Annabell to Disney for the first time. She really enjoyed it. We spent 3 days there and went to Magic Kingdom, Epicot, and Animal Kingdom. I think one of her favorites was Animal Kingdom because all of the Animals she got to see. Her favorite ride was Nemo at Epicot, which was awesome and we even rode it twice.

It was so cute to hear her yell out all the names of the characters on the ride. She also rode her first ROLLER COASTER! I'm telling y'all she is fearless! She barely made the height requirement but was all about it! She held on SUPER tight the entire time and screamed...and then when it stopped she asked for MORE! MORE!. She makes us laugh so much!
Annabell met many characters from her favorite movies/books and even more that she didn't know. She really liked meeting the princesses. She yelled "ELLA" when she saw Cinderella.

But of all the things she did, having her face painted was the BEST memory. Her cousin KK was getting her face painted at Animal Kingdom and Annabell stood up in her stroller and said Face and pointed to I asked her if she would like to get her face painted and she exclaimed "YES". She then jumped up into the seat just after KK was done and sat there focusing and trying not to move very purposefully. The artist was very impressed with how well behaved and still she was for her age. She was staring straight ahead trying not to move. He told her to close her eyes once and she only made them "sleepy" looking...too funny.

This is a picture of the kids playing the drums in "Africa", she also really enjoyed this.

As you can see, Aunt Kari, bought KK and Annabell matching shirts and bows. They looked so cute! Every speaking character asked them if they were sisters. You can really see the Armstrong in Annabell when KK's around.

Papa got Annabell a great birthday present,
Here are some pictures from the ride "it's a small world after all"

Papa got Annabell a great birthday present, thanks for the trip to Disney! It was so nice going with KK, aunt Kari, Papa and Sharon.
So all in all it was a great experience. She did really well and didn't have too many melt downs. Annabell also Loved her "first time visitor" pin that they gave her! She wore it proudly until she learned how to take it off, then mean mom took it away.
So we went to Disney for 3 days in a row and then would return to the hotel and try to get to bed before 930, the kids anyways, which is late for mine, but they did great considering we were all in one room and they are not use to having anyone sleep in their rooms. By the last night they adjust well, or the adults y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

It's a very fun place! All the pictures are great. Love the face painting!!!Very cute.