Sunday, July 19, 2009

time with daddy on the 4th!

My best friend from high school, Jackie, came to visit us for the first time since sophomore year in college. We lost contact, and I got married and had two kids since then, so needless to say we had a lot of catching up to do. Annabell took really well to Jackie for the short time we were there. I was so happy for Annabell to meet her!

We go to B.O.B. as a family every other Friday. We really enjoy it, Annabell follows daddy around the entire time. She has gotten really good about not being afraid of the water or waves...she will walk out in the ocean until she can't walk anymore, on her own! Don't worry, we are right by her side of course....doing the stingray shuffle in front of her.

The fourth of July was hilarious. Annabell did NOT like the fireworks, until just at the end. The noise scared her so much! I think the fact that we light them with "hot" fire and the RUN doesn't help her calm down. I caught a little video of one of her freak outs after a fire work went off. She gets more worked up but then starts to enjoy it after she calms down...she really liked seeing the big fireworks as we drove home. I think next year we will try to go to Red White and Boom in down town cape coral. This year I think it was just too much for Ford, and since we were with family all day the timing would have been difficult.

Big pop was trying to show Annabell that the firework was only a little parachute in hope that she would calm down.
One thing she really enjoyed the same as last year was the snap pop things. She loves trowing those, and stepping on them, etc.

Annabell loves trying to teach Briana "Mana" and Ford how to do things, here is a picture of her showing them how to push a toy.

Oh and we had a breakthrough in discipline, we can now ask Annabell if she understands why she had to go into time out and she will say yes and then explain what she did, i.e. "Push Ford", etc. This makes it much easier to teach her, and she is correcting any negative behavior quickly.
Well that's if for now, love y'all!